Hellooo Monday Runday!!


Hellooo Monday Runday!! Monday is usually a rest day for me, but with my Mom’s Birthday  yesterday I traded my Sunday Runday for a Monday Runday so I could spend the entire day with my family! With a 5 mile race coming up this Saturday; I knew I definitely wanted to throw in some quicker miles this week to prepare (mentally) for my race! Although I train 5 days a week; it is not often that I go all out in a training run, so prior to a race I like to throw in some quicker miles (around goal pace) to test out my legs! Today’s run consisted of 7 miles at 7:57/mile! A friend/fellow runner suggested this workout & this run felt amazing! I started off with a 1 mile warm-up at an easy pace (8:49/mile), I then did 2 x 2 miles! This consisted of 2 miles (7:33 and 7:32). 1 recovery mile – easy pace (8:30/mile), 2 quick miles (7:31 and 7:27)!! Finally a cool down mile at 8:25!  This run felt very comfortable & was a huge confidence booster for my upcoming race!! I am so ready to go out there on Saturday & earn my 50th medal! A PR would be nice too! 🙂  Next up Spring Lake 5!!

Thank you as always for following my journey!!

Mere @meretherunner14